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Web Hosting for Small and Medium Sized businesses (SMB’s) in India

There was a trend of hosting business websites outside India which was considered as cheaper and affordable option for SMB’s at that time when there was no existence of reliable hosting providers in India.

Things have changed now  and  India is getting better in terms of Infrastructure and bandwidth availability. Pricing for hosting in India has come down considerably as competition has increased by entrance of big names such as Godaddy and EIG in Indian hosting market. There are lot of emerging smaller companies offering web hosting services with good customer support in turn winning trust of their local customers.
One of the advantage of hosting in India over US or UK is the increase in the exchange rates of $$ and ££.  As a result of the changes in the economic conditions, customers have to pay a higher web hosting price and increase their web hosting budget.

MilesWeb’s ‘Rs. 1 Campaign’, launched specifically for SMB’s is also getting a good response from the day of its launch. With a focus on SMB market in India, Milesweb will be coming with more such campaigns considering the fact that internet and mobile users are increasing day by day.

The SMB market has seen a lot of changes in the past few years and there is certainly a noticeable change in approach and type of businesses looking to establish their web presence. SMBs have slowly but started to realize the importance of having a web presence and there are business owners who want e-commerce enabled sites

There are more than 137 million internet users in India however only 3% of users actually use domain name and hosting, according to IAAMAI’s annual report on the Internet in India 2012. There’s a definite growth expected in India and internet users will reach upto 300 million users by 2014.  As and when internet adoption increases in India, we’ll expect more and more Indian SMB’s to get online.Internet Usage Countrywise

The only thing that SMB’s in India lack is awareness and less knowledge about internet industry. Business owners think setting up a website is a tedious job and very technical which involves costs but things will change.

The Indian SMB web presence market will grow at least 36 percent year-over-year, reaching $137 million in 2016 as per recently published reports. MilesWeb sees this as an opportunity and we are trying hard to get more and more businesses online by launching innovative campaigns for SMB’s in India.

Grow Your Business With Our Scalable Small Business Hosting Plans!

With MilesWeb you can start a website, blog or forum at a very low and affordable cost. Our exclusive web hosting for small business comprises of all the mandatory features you may need for managing a successful website. We know that the hosting requirement of every website will be different, therefore we offer a variety of budget hosting plans with easy upgrade option and absolutely no hidden cost.

For high traffic websites, we have launched business hosting plan. It’s ideal for eCommerce and growing business websites. Along with hosting plan, it also provides few additional features like website backup in cloud, WAF and DDOS protection, incoming email spam protection etc.

You may get in touch with our sales team for promotional offers.

The Author

Neha Kahnna is a professional content writer associated with MilesWeb. She curates articles on web hosting, latest SEO trends and technology topics. Her insightful content captivates the reader’s attention and deliver a higher learning ROI.

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