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DNN admin panel does not allows to edit

 2 min

DotNetNuke is a opensource CMS based on Microsoft .NET. The Community Edition is open source. It was initially written in VB.NET, though the developers have shifted to C# since version 6.0. It provides features to designing, building and managing rich sites and communities fast, easy and cost-effective. DNN website hosting has been popular amongst developers & end users as it provides ease to manage your website at few clicks.

Recently, there have been issues with updating the DNN websites. It keeps on asking for admin login details even though you enter the correct ones.

Authentication Required:

the server :80 requires username and password

You will receive such error on latest DNN versions you install on the domain. Modifying web.config under httpdocs folder will apply a fix to it.

Find for “system.webserver” & add below line just below it.

< modules runallmanagedmodulesforallrequests=”true” >

Save the file & try editing the pages as admin. Voila !

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