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Unable to upload files from cPanel file manager

 2 min

ClamAV is an open source (GPL) antivirus engine designed for detecting Trojans, viruses, malware and other malicious threats. It is the de facto standard for mail gateway scanning. It provides a high performance mutli-threaded scanning daemon, command line utilities for on demand file scanning, and an intelligent tool for automatic signature updates. The core ClamAV library provides numerous file format detection mechanisms, file unpacking support, archive support, and multiple signature languages for detecting threats. ClamAV is compatible with linux & windows.

When uploading a file from cPanel File manager you will receive an error as below. It shows that every file you upload is infected with virus no matter what you do.

unknown Bytes complete FAILED! :Upload canceled: VIRUS DETECTED! (Access denied. ERROR)

You receive this error because ClamAV was not installed from WHM & was installed manually. Login to WHM & access option Plugins. Check the option which says ClamAVConnector and Save. It will install OR re install ClamAV on the server. Try uploading the files now.

ClamAV is installed on our shared hosting plans so that you can scan your files/folders yourself.

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