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How To Build eCommerce Customer Base Through Newsletter Subscription List?

email newsletter, eCommerce, online storeAlthough many websites and eCommerce businesses today earn lots of money through their email subscriptions and mailing lists, it is getting difficult for the small business owners to use this strategy for gaining customers.

It is not true that newsletter marketing is losing its effectiveness. However, things have changed over time for email newsletter marketing. This means that you need to be more creative, resourceful and goal-oriented with your approach to email newsletters.

What Can A Perfectly Planned eCommerce Newsletter Do For Your Business?

  • Capture new leads
  • Interact with the existing customers
  • Position yourself as an eCommerce industry expert
  • Nurture leads until they turn into customers

Pay Attention To Your Content

Many terms commonly used with reference to email marketing have been replaced with the words that are less implicit of spam, you must use them. Also, you need good content! Keep in mind that variety in content will help you in retaining the customer interest. Mix up your content to include the following factors:

  • How to’s, tips and tricks
  • Sales and discount offers
  • Links to articles that might interest your customers
  • Current trends of the industry
  • Latest company news

Stay away from over self-promotion. It is perfectly alright to mention a sale but that cannot be the focus of the email newsletter.

These changes imply that you must create a newsletter that is different from the usual ones and one that is rich in value and substance. It should be something that your target market should be keen on taking advantage of instead of taking it for granted.

Target Market

Email newsletter readers are not your usual consumers! It is important to present information in a way that is interesting. This is an important marketing tactic for recapturing your customers.

Here are some important notes:

  • No one is interested in getting an email that starts of with “Dear Valued Customer” or anything else like this. Take some time and use the customer’s name instead.
  • Starting the newsletter with a deal or a giveaway is a great way of getting the reader’s attention.
  • Offer advice : It can be tips, tricks, guides, walkthroughs etc. Whatever!
  • Provide relevant important and exciting news.

Grab The Reader’s Attention With The Headline / Subject

People receive numerous newsletters and other emails these days; therefore, you must make sure that your readers want to read your newsletters as soon as they see it in their inbox. Otherwise, they might not read it at all.

Your email newsletter should say, “Read Me Right Away!”

If your subscribers read the subject of your email and think ‘I’ll read it later’, then you have lost them because they might not read it at all.

Your subscribers should have a strong reason to open your email newsletter and read it right way!

How Do I Send A Newsletter?

Once your newsletter is ready, you must plan on your delivery methods. Opting for a web-based service provider is an affordable solution that enables you to adhere to the anti-spam laws related to direct mailing.

One of the most popular options is Mail Chimp.

You can manage your email newsletter database online. This provides you with the options of entering the contacts, cleaning up your account and creating distinct streams on the basis of your targets. The benefits of signing up for an automated mailing service like the one mentioned above is that it is easier and less likely to be considered as spam. It also enables you to track and analyze the newsletter campaign results. You will get information like who opened your email, how many links bounced, who ignored your email etc.

How Can You Get Subscribers?

You are all set to send out the newsletter, but how can you get a list of email addresses belonging to the potential customers? You might get tempted to purchase a list; however, reputable vendors might be expensive.

You need to play it smart! get subscribers through the following ways:

Incorporate a subscription box on your home page : Invite visitors to subscribe to your newsletter! You can plan on offering them with a free eBook, a downloadable report or discount on the goods purchased. If you send email newsletters through MailChimp or Campaign Monitor, it will be extremely easy for you to cut and paste the code in the theme.

Promote your newsletter : Promote your newsletter through the online and offline mediums as well. The mediums that you can cover include, trade shows, social networking websites and through multi-media advertising.

Create a landing page : A landing page that is specially designed for your newsletter can work wonders for capturing leads. You can also upload social networking buttons into the page as a sharing tool. Make sure to update your message as frequently as you can for capturing fresh leads.

With the techniques mentioned above, you will be able to capture leads through email subscriptions. It is important to be creative and smart when it comes to designing the email newsletters.

Along with perfect email newsletters, your website also needs to be perfect. Check out the eCommerce hosting solutions for establishing a highly efficient and influential eCommerce website.

The Author

Neha Kahnna is a professional content writer associated with MilesWeb. She curates articles on web hosting, latest SEO trends and technology topics. Her insightful content captivates the reader’s attention and deliver a higher learning ROI.

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