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Women Empowering the eBusiness

Woman in eCommerce

The contribution of women has always been important to the growth of our society and culture. However, it is not only restricted to these things and women have been equally active and dominant when it comes to business and the internet.

In an insightful survey by Comscore, women are found to be in majority when it comes to use of social networking sites and are said to spend 30% more time on these sites than men; 55% of the mobile social network users are also women.

If we consider the online spend by women shoppers the percentage of females is quite high compared to male shoppers across number of categories be it apparel, electronics of gifts.

In the U.S. market, the Internet population of women is just below 50% of but contributes over 58 % of the e-commerce spend. Although majority of internet users globally are male, women spend more time which about extra 8 percent over the internet.

Globally, women spend 20 % more time on retail shopping sites compared to their counterparts, and when it comes to flash sales and group buying women outnumber men by 2 to 1.

Women Shopping Chart

These numbers clearly indicate that women are not just passively participating and are active players over the web helping it scale new heights.

Women leading the eCommerce scene

The contribution of women is not only limited to online spending and many women entrepreneurs are leading from the front and making their mark in the eCommerce landscape. The success of prominent businesswomen such as Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer, Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook or eBay chief Meg Whitman says a lot about how women have contributed to the industry.

Some of the influential women in eCommerce

Anita Campbell
She is a CEO and Publisher of Small Business Trends a media and information company. Before becoming and online entrepreneur she held different executive positions in the corporate world and now focuses on growing her online publications.

Susie Wang
Susie is the Co-Founder of cosmetics company 100% Pure™, who has over 50 employees across her factory and stores in the San Francisco Bay Area, and sources over 10,000 ingredients from dozens of countries using

Katie Shea and Susie Levitt
The mastermind behind CitySlips, Katie & Susie came up with foldable ballet flats for when women need to ditch the high heels and addressed the needs of women everywhere…all from their dorm room.
The duo reached $1M in sales in their first year of business. Now their top products are sold at Neiman Marcus, Dillard’s, Macy’s, Nordstrom, and hundreds of specialty retailers.

Nan Akasha
Nan Akasha is a Mind Over Money Coach for women in Business and is the owner or Create Your Own Reality Now. She helps women break free of financial blocks you can find out more about her here:

Going by the stories of how all these women entrepreneurs have established themselves one can easily find the one thing they had in common was the power of ecommerce. Despite lack of capital and other resources they still managed to grow dramatically. When we consider how much women have contributed to our world it may not be quite clear as to how important they have been in shaping our lives. Women have dominated various spheres of business with many women being the leaders of various Fortune 500 companies. However, it does not undermine the value of all the women entrepreneurs who have started on their own carved a niche for themselves in the ecommerce industry.

Women have been instrumental to our development and will continue to be so.

The Author

A passionate blogger and content writer working with MilesWeb Internet Services Pvt. Ltd. All I love to do is surf internet strengthen my writing skills and gain knowledge with each and every article I write.

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