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10 Common Mistakes In Online Businesses That Can Harm Your Success

Online Business Mistakes

Self-play videos at inappropriate times, problematic hosting, and lack of strategies in choosing a domain, grammatical errors in content writing. These are just a few common mistakes in online business that a most of website owners do.

We want you to make sure that you’re not committing the same common mistakes. Let’s go through some of the worst common mistakes and make sure you do not commit them to increase your online presence.

Top 10 Common Mistakes in Online Business

Mistake 1: Save as much as possible when hiring a host

What if you spend on your lunch is 10 times more than what you pay for your hosting, You probably are not getting a premium web hosting service.

Also, if your hosting company boasts of having millions of customers, your website may “crash” constantly. And if this happens constantly, the success of your online business will be compromised.

Mistake 2: Choose a domain that no one can understand or remember

Many people are discovering your site through links or search. But registering a memorable domain (easy to remember) helps you attract and retain visitors.

You cannot trust them to bookmark your website. You should have a name that is easily remembered and at the same time makes a good impression (preferably short).

Mistake 3: Build your online business based on a platform you do not own

To build the foundation of your digital business on a platform that you do not have full control is even worse than a bad domain.

Doing this, you are always at risk of losing your online presence that you are working so hard to build.

Mistake 4: Use an “impersonal” business email address

If you invest in a beautiful design on your website, then do not use “@outlook”, “@gmail”, or “@hotmail” as your business’s primary email address.

If you use Outlook or Gmail to receive and manage your emails, it is entirely appropriate. But just make sure you use your own domain for your primary email address and redirect to your Gmail or Outlook (You can easily redirect).

Mistake 5: Redirect to a mobile site

In my opinion, there is no reason to send your visitors to a separate mobile site that does not match the URL which was originally typed.

Responsive design will give your users a great experience regardless of the device they are on, and you will not confuse your site visitors with redirects.

Mistake 6: Provide a slow experience to visitors

Is it acceptable for a web page to take ten seconds to load? Six seconds? Four seconds?

No, it’s not acceptable.

When this happens, Google will punish you if the site offers a slow experience and visitors will quickly leave your site.

When your website has good hosting, it is well structured, the speed of the blog/website can be measured in milliseconds (acceptable up to 2 seconds of loading).

Mistake 7: Finding an unexpected message: “site not found” or “this site is infected” (Malware)

Do you check your site at least once a day? Are you sure it is working correctly? Does everything seem to work the way you want it to work? Your site is clean and malware free or is there any other unpleasant problems?

You have to constantly monitor your website … or choose a web host that does the follow-up for you (and ideally, prevent these types of headaches from happening).

Mistake 8: Keep “HTTP” instead of upgrading to “HTTPS”

Google now has put the use of SSL as one of the relevant factors to position the website in the mechanisms.

With MilesWeb web hosting plans, It takes a few clicks for you to get your SSL Certificate. It’s an extra step in SEO of your site, and security will comfort your visitors and pass credibility.

Mistake 9: Get behind with your outdated platform and design

For example, if you use WordPress or another CMS as a blogging platform, you should always keep updated as your outdated website can become an easy target for hackers.

And speaking about the current situation, when was the last time you updated your web design? (If you use WordPress here we have selected the top WP themes already with beautiful visuals that are already optimized for SEO).

The first impression is the last impression. By putting a professional, clean and modern design on your site you will get more customers and keep your visitors more time by visiting your content.

You do not have to spend a fortune on a custom design. Just select a high-quality theme and add your logo.

Mistake 10: Hosting with a company that prevents or punishes your success

This last mistake will catch you by surprise at the worst time.

So you’re excited, you get your first 15,000 visitors, and your fame starts to rise, and suddenly your host says … no!

They suspended your account! Because?

In the fine print of your hosting contract, it only allowed a certain number of visitors or a certain amount of bandwidth which means all the excitement and success went downhill.

It’s smart to keep your costs manageable when you’re starting, but losing potential customers because of these common mistakes is not a smart move!

If you are currently on a very cheap host, you should ask yourself:

How many customers can you afford to lose with a bad web experience?

Leave your questions and suggestions in the comments below about other common mistakes in online business you have seen or if you have already lost a customer because you had problems with the hosting.

The Author

A Journalist Specializing in Blogging, Social Networking and Community Management. As a constant learner, Pravin is always aiming towards new ideas and greater knowledge. When he is not doing research, reading, or writing for blogs, you can find him hanging around social media sites.

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