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20 Practices That Make Clients Trust Your Brand

Put yourself in the place of a customer for a moment. So many things could go wrong when transacting with a new business:

  1. You could buy a shoddy product.
  2. The warranty could have hidden details.
  3. If it’s online, you could be dealing with a scam.
  4. The website could be poorly secured, exposing your financial details.

These are just a few. But they show the importance of building trust with your clients. You need to give them a reason to trust you with their hard-earned money.

When you have your customers’ trust, you earn their loyalty, command higher prices, and get more referrals. A trusted brand attracts a larger market share.

But it does not happen overnight, neither can you focus on only one area of your business. Everything associated with your business, including social media pages, should reflect your values as a brand.

How Do You Build Trust With Your Clients?

You will need to earn your customers’ trust in order to sell. You can achieve this by building a friendship with them. Try not to be self-centered. You should be that friend who is willing to see them grow. Be the friend who will not go behind their back and share their private information, or take advantage of their trust and provide goods that are not of the best quality.

Your customers are humans, and so are you. Get personal with them. Show them that you care about them as humans and are not just out to get their money.

Provide them with value, from your advertising process to the product you create. Portray integrity and reliability at all times. And when you fail, be humble enough to admit it and make corrections.

Your content creation should be 80% helpful to your client and only 20% advertising your product.

Get to the same level as the client by being involved in community events and projects. Build the community as you promote your products.

Show them that you understand their reasons for distrusting a new business by providing free samples. And when your product does not meet their need, lead them in the right direction, even when it means directing them to your competitor.

For your clients who are business owners, do not just supply a product or service, and leave. Follow up on their progress. Help them use your product to impact their business better. And when they can trust your intention, they will see you as an asset.

How Do You Build Trust In a Brand?

A widely-known brand name is not enough if there is no trust. You could be famous for the wrong reasons.

Unethicality is not uncommon in the corporate world, and consumers are becoming more vigilant about who they do business with.

Whether you are a new or ongoing business, you can work your way towards profitability by building faith in your brand.

1) Have Values

What defines you as a brand? What would you want to be known for? What values do you hold? What are your mission and goals? Build a personality. It creates an expectation in your audience. And when you don’t fail them, you build trust.

Find something that is unique and stick to it. Do you want to be known for affordability and constant prices? Keep your word, even during peak season.

2) Work with the Best, Be the Best

Never compromise on the quality of goods you produce. If a batch is defective, you would rather get rid of it and make losses than lose your customers’ trust. Customers’ interest should always come first.

Work with the best raw materials, employ the best staff, and invest in quality machinery. Do not use shortcuts. They will cost you more than you are trying to save. Always commit to supplying the best, and your clients will stick by your side.

20 Practices That Make Clients Trust Your Brand

Here are 20 easy changes you can make to build clients’ trust.

1. Interact With Your Customers

You should be accessible to your customers. Create a platform where they can give feedback, ask questions, and receive answers from your support staff. Speak to your customers in an authentic human voice. It will build trust.

Use the chatbot to keep them engaged before a support officer becomes available. A chatbot can also save time for clients who need quick answers.

Related: A Guide To The Most Significant Customer Service Phrases : The Good And The Bad

2. Respond Promptly To Complaints

Train your staff, especially those on the front line, to treat each client like VIP and handle complaints effectively.

They should respect their time by responding promptly. Show them that their satisfaction is your priority. It will build strong connections and establish your brand as reliable and trustworthy. Your customers are your referrals, give them a reason to vouch for you.

3. Prove Yourself As An Authority In The Field

Besides selling your product or service, provide your customers with valuable information. Create a blog on your website and give expert advice. Guest post in other authority blogs and websites. Create webinars and seminars and have a live interaction with your clients as you display your high level of expertise in the field.

4. Create a Product That Satisfies The Customers’ Needs

A low-quality product will create mistrust in your brand. Your product should pass rigorous quality tests. It should also satisfy a need and add value to your clients’ life. Use the minimum viable product approach with these steps

  1. Create a test product..
  2. Release it to your target market.
  3. Collect customer feedback on what they like, do not like, and anything they would want to be added.
  4. Launch the final product, meeting the needs of the consumers.

5. Be Honest in Your Marketing Campaigns

Your marketing campaigns should not mislead your clients. If your product does not fit the needs of a certain market segment, do not make false claims. Focus on your target audience. Be open about your strengths and weaknesses.

And focus on customer satisfaction, not just making sales. It will build long-term trust in your brand.

6. Maintain Consistency

Consistency will build brand trust and loyalty. Whatever you promise your clients, deliver it. Every single time. Be consistent in your logo, designs, and imagery. Your customers should be able to recognize your brand in an advert at a glance. The same applies to your communication with clients, your tone, channels, and frequency should be consistent.

7. Create a Professional Website

Most people will always visit a brand’s website before making a purchase. If your website has grammatical errors and an unprofessionally written landing page, clients are unlikely to take your business seriously. They will doubt your competence and ability to provide them with value for their money. Hire an expert to prepare a website that speaks well about your brand.

8. Provide Detailed Product Information

Create your client’s trust in your online products by providing as many details as possible. Mention the product safety warnings and possible allergy triggers such as gluten. Give full details on the warranties, money-back guarantee, after-sale services, and any issues that would disqualify the customer from getting these benefits. Be clear on the shipping time and cost.

9. Share Unsolicited User-generated Content

In this social media age, people are quick to express their feelings about issues, politicians, celebrities, and companies online. Take advantage of this and share or retweet any positive posts about your business. Clients will believe what an average user says than your polished adverts. If the user advocates for your brand, other customers’ trust in you will grow.

10. Your Customer Care Staff Should Not Sound Robotic

Besides offering quality customer service, it should not sound rehearsed or scripted. Allow your support staff to interact with the customer from their heart and use a personalized approach. They should not focus on handling as many clients as possible, but on giving quality services to each.

11. Avoid Scandals

Your reputation as a brand determines if clients can trust you or not. If you are in the limelight for tax evasion, corruption, and mismanagement of investors’ money, you come out as reckless. If the company CEO is involved in a scandal, it reflects on the company. In case it happens, make amends by accepting responsibility, taking the punishment gracefully, and making a public apology or explanation.

12. Hold Live Events

Build trust with your online customers by holding live events. You can hold a live Facebook Q&A session where clients can receive immediate responses. The fact that the answers have not been edited for PR reasons shows you have nothing to hide and are truthful.

13. Use Trustworthy Links

As you provide your clients with valuable content in your blog, use credible links to fact-driven sources. You will be connecting your brand to this other site. A spam site could destroy the trust you have toiled to build and reduce your click-through rate.

Related: 7 Trending Strategies To Skyrocket Your Ranking Through Link Building

14. Host And Sponsor Events

Do more than sell your product. Interact with your clients at a personal level and create an experience for them by hosting a street fair, charitable party, or sponsor live music. Encourage local participation through prize winnings of your products or large discounts. You get to create brand awareness and do good to your clients, which builds trust.

15. Carry Out Business Operations Responsibly

The community around you make up your first customers. Build a good relationship with them by engaging in sustainable production. They cannot be loyal to your brand if you endanger their health and that of your employees through pollution and unsafe working conditions. Invest in your HSEQ management system. Workplace incidents ruin your credibility.

16. Be Responsive On Social Media

Posting content every two days on your social media channels is not enough, respond to comments as well. A simple “thank you” to a compliment shows you are listening. When your company’s name is mentioned in other posts, participate in the conversation. When a client reaches out, respond. Give the conversation a human touch. For instance, the support staff could introduce themselves using their real name.

17. Make Your Website Safe

How can customers trust your brand if they feel unsafe visiting your website? Make the checkout process smooth and provide several trusted payment options. Commit in writing that any personal information they provide during account set up is secure. Use HTTPS. It is more secure. And add trust badges to your site.

18. Prove Your Credibility

Customer testimonials are helpful when building trust with clients. Display their stories and pictures on your website. Encourage clients to leave reviews on trusted review websites, and you can then display them on your site. Provide generous service and product warranties. Participate in awards programs, having an award on display will further build your credibility.

19. Tell Your Story

Share your business story. Let people know why you started your business and how. Be honest about your journey, the ups and downs, and what makes you a reliable and strong brand. You will be able to connect with people who share your values. However, make sure that your story is authentic.

20. Ask for Feedback

You can never know what your clients feel about your product unless they communicate. And they may not always readily give feedback. Use surveys and online reviews to know what changes you need to make to enhance their satisfaction in your product. Create social media channels where you can ask questions and see their comments. Take their feedback positively.

Earning your clients’ trust takes deliberate intention. Create quality products that the market needs. Interact with your customers on social media and your website in a personalized way. Respond promptly to complaints and own up to your mistakes. And be sure to provide them with value through informative articles.

Maintain integrity in your dealings and marketing strategy and be consistent. Find creative ways to connect with clients and market your brand as you build trust. And take negative feedback positively. Building trust takes time, the sooner you start putting these practices into action, the better.

What other practices have worked for your brand in building trust with clients? Feel free to share in the comment section below.

The Author

Walter Akolo has been a freelance writer and internet marketer since 2011. He's currently writing for Cardinal Digital Marketing, an Atlanta based digital marketing agency that specializes in PPC.

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