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A Quick Instagram Success Guide For The Bloggers

Instagram, Bloggers

Creating your Instagram success story as a blogger needs creativity and hard work. But with the right strategies, you can harness the power of Instagram to your advantage. With more than three million active users, social media has become a terrific channel for bloggers to connect with audiences. 

And if your audience loves visuals, then you just cannot ignore the Instagram platform. Bloggers associated with fashion, travel, and food get a great opportunity to engage with their target audiences through Instagram. Learning how to be successful on Instagram isn’t just about the number of followers you have. 

It is important for you to know that real success comes from engaging content and engaged audiences. Instagram is now a global platform where everyone is trying to increase visibility. 

One of the key highlights of Instagram is that it enables you to have a better reach for your blog. So let’s take a glance at some of the strategies to help bloggers gain exposure on Instagram. But before delving into the plan, let’s find out the significance of Instagram for bloggers. 

Significance Of Instagram For Bloggers 

significance of instagram for bloggers

There are many advantages of promoting your blog on Instagram. Moreover, if you implement the right strategies, Instagram is the best place to expand your followers. What makes Instagram a coveted platform is that it has over 1 billion active users; you would have tons of opportunities to gain exposure. And as we all know, Instagram is a platform where people look for visual content. In other words, if you are able to share engaging content on Instagram, it can do wonders for your blog’s popularity. So here are some ways through which Instagram can be beneficial for you. 

✔ You can grow a community around your blog 

✔ You would be able to promote the latest blog posts 

✔ You can enhance the engagement rate of your blog 

✔ Instagram can help you drive more traffic to your blog posts 

So as you can see, Instagram plays a crucial role in catapulting the popularity of bloggers. Here are some strategies which would help you to leverage the power of Instagram.

Go For An Upbeat Username

go for upbeat username

No doubt, selecting a catchy username for your Instagram account is crucial. When you opt for an unusual username, it can grab the attention of your followers. If you have a quirky and different username, more people will remember you. 

In case you already have a name for your blog, adhere to it strictly. Make sure that you are maintaining the same name across all the platforms. There are chances that you won’t get the exact blog name for creating an account on Instagram, so add a catchy prefix to your blog name to make it distinguished.

Refrain From Changing Niches 

refrain from changing niches

Before you commence your fantastic Instagram trip, it is imperative to opt for a niche. Choosing a niche is vital as you would be able to decide the type of content to post on Instagram. Moreover, the niche of your Instagram posts should be the same as that of your blog section. 

For instance, if you are a travel blogger, you can post different types of content but don’t completely change the niche right away. If you do so, you would confuse your followers, which can play a spoilsport in your reputation. Selecting a niche requires a bit of research. And once you have chosen it, you should stick to it at least in the beginning.

Create The Perfect Bio 

create perfect bio

Creating the perfect bio takes clarity more than writing skills. In short, you should be clear about what you want to promote on Instagram. Your Instagram bio should be able to tell your audience who you are and what your blog is all about. 

Moreover, the bio section should also include a good call-to-action. Always remember that users would first go through your bio. Your audience won’t follow you if they don’t have an interest in your offerings. Another effective way to get more traffic out of your profile is by using a redirect URL. So as you can see, your Instagram bio is important and should be informative, clear, and attractive. 

Sharing Blog Posts On Instagram

sharing blog posts on instagram

If you wish to increase traffic to your blog, sharing the blog posts on Instagram is the best option. It is imperative that you leverage Instagram’s huge user base and influence them to visit your blog. But always remember that it takes more than mere strategies to share blogs on Instagram. Here are some other tips with the help of which you can capture the attention of your users. 

✔ Use the best eye-catching images 

✔ Use the relevant hashtags 

✔ Create catchy captions 

And if the context of designing images is already stressing you, don’t fret! Nowadays, you can find an array of online tools which would help in designing great images. These tools have pre-made templates for users. Apart from designing images, you should also be able to write captivating captions. Here are some tips which would help you formulate catchy image captions. 

✔ Start by narrating a funny story or asking a specific question 

✔ Share thoughts that the audiences can relate to easily 

✔ Always end the caption on a positive note

✔ If possible, use a good call-to-action 

So now that you know, the ways to share blogs on Instagram; let’s find out the relevancy of hashtags. 

Use The Trending Hashtags

use the trending hashtags

When you are sharing content on Instagram, it is crucial that you use Instagram hashtags. With hashtags, you can increase your chances of reach, potential growth, and engagement. As a blogger, you should also undertake in-depth keyword research to find the best hashtags. 

These hashtags would provide you with the chance of getting featured in the top posts. On the other way around, hashtags are a great discovery tool for Instagram users. In simple words, you would be attracting more followers and readers to your blog. 

If you have difficulties finding the right hashtags, see what other bloggers of your niche are using. However, you should be cautious while using hashtags in your posts. It is imperative to check the usage of the hashtags before you place them on your posts. 

For instance, if the hashtag has fewer than 1000 posts, it is highly improbable that it would boost your post’s visibility. Hence, your focus should always be on the usage of relevant hashtags. Also, note that Instagram hashtag research is quite important. 

If you get it right, you would be able to boost your engagement phenomenally. One of the key highlights of Instagram is that the platform gives freedom to users to follow hashtags of their choice. It is important for you to know that Instagram only allows thirty hashtags in a single post. So make sure that you are using the right hashtags to get the most out of them.      

Set Objectives 

set objectives

When you are promoting blogs on Instagram, it is important for you to have some goals. Even as a blogger, you should have some strategic objectives set for the future. Here is the list of some objectives that you should have as a blogger. 

✔ Depicting the uniqueness of your blog 

✔ Building a community of audiences 

✔ Promoting your blog to potential audiences 

✔ Timely updates on any specific queries from users 

Post Consistently 

post consistently

Posting on a consistent basis is one of the key ingredients of Instagram’s success. In other words, you should be active on Instagram. Posting once a day is fine but if you can increase the posting frequency, it would be great. 

Posting two to three times a day would help in boosting user engagement. You would also be able to increase the reach of your Instagram account. The same goes for Instagram stories as well. You should post stories every day so that your users can stay updated. Through stories, you can tell your audience about the newly published blog on your site.   

Create A Connection With Your Audience 

create a connection with your audience

You have to build a strong connection with your followers on Instagram. Always remember that people love bloggers when they share things from their perspective. Also, never forget that everything you post is for your audience. Don’t forget to talk to your audience in the comments section. This would help you to build a good relationship with your followers. 

Over to you…

It is always a smart idea to promote your blogs through Instagram. Let’s hope that the strategies mentioned above would help you promote your blog on Instagram. At first, things would seem a bit complicated, but once you get accustomed to these strategies, you would be able to attract a large volume of traffic to your blog.    

The Author

I believe in creating enriching content that is readable and interesting. I work on content related to web hosting, SEO, Ecommerce and social media. Putting things across with the power of words and crafting useful content are my prime objectives.

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