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10 Excellent Reasons to Redesign Your Website

10 Excellent reasons

Your website is the backbone of your online business. You need to take care of your health properly, so, to perform your day-to-day activities, your website also needs to be taken care of, so as to keep your business growing.

If you haven’t redesigned your website from the last 3-4 months, then you must read this article. Many of us don’t want to invest in our websites, but ultimately we will need to do it.

While doing research, many people look at your company’s website and check out your online presence. The easy to navigate and high-speed loading website rules the internet. Before calling you, your clients may fill your ‘contact us’ form, to initiate the conversation. So, try to make their journey a worth, while travelling with you.

Let’s find out why one should redesign the website?

1) Updating current information –

Your website might contain the old information like postal address, email id, phone number, etc. Updating the right and current working one, is very important as it’s the only way for your audience to reach out to you. Now, you may think, you have the same email id working, but the phone number has been changed, so, people can reach out to you via email. But, the behavior of everyone is not the same. Maybe they want to reach out to you through a phone call only. What if, someone has sent you a mail and it has been resided in your mailbox in spam or at the place where you can’t notice it? The result will be, you will fail to answer to that person, and ultimately, you may lose a great deal. Additionally, you are giving them a bad experience, before making them a customer. I think no-one would tolerate such silly mistakes in their business.

Again, updating the new products and services on your website can inform your audience what you are selling. It tells them, what schemes or deals you are offering them. Thus, updating current information is a must do thing.

2) Meeting current Web standards –

A few years ago, mobile phones were not as popular as they are today. Even after that, when mobile came, people weren’t using the internet on them. But, now we can see, desktop use has been decaying and people are using the internet on the mobile. So, nowadays, the websites that are accessible by the mobile devices are considered as good websites. Thus, if your website is not been updated from a few days, it will look old and dull on new modern devices.

Related : Top 8 Web Design Tips for Startups

3) It is hard to navigate –

Is your website showing people what they want to see?
How often do you yourself check the navigations of your website? Once in a while or daily? Well, as we don’t fail to check our competitors’ site, we shall not ignore our site also. Check out the landing pages, the redirecting links, images with the blogs, everything should be at the right place. Look out for the people from your niche, what they are doing, what features they are including in their sites, find out what people like about their website. Try to modify accordingly, and make sure you mould your website with the features as your business grows.



4) Become more competitive –

Every time you see your competitors’ website, you come up with different ideas for your website, isn’t it? And thus, your brain starts yelling at you, ‘ do something about your website !’. This thought is good, but, don’t over manipulate yourself. First, find out, does your website really needs the kind of change you want to give it. Or does it expect something else? Be unique in your own way, don’t just copy others. This will make your website more competitive, by just adding the things that are necessarily required, as visitors won’t feel you are feeding them the irrelevant information and you will adhere to your niche.

5) Your website has outdated third-party software tools –

Nowadays, many websites use third-party software tools in order to add certain features or plugins to their site (most common example – WordPress sites). Such sites include scripts and plugins to embed social media feeds and e-commerce charts. These plugins or tools get outdated after some time and your website starts decaying its performance. It may not work the way you want, or stop redirecting by showing some errors. To overcome such problems, make sure your website is properly managed and is updated with all the latest version of the software.

6) Your website doesn’t reflect your brand –

Your website should represent the brand you carry in the market. It makes you professional and more credible on the internet. Website captures more eyeballs and has the ability to create your brand image. All the startups, entrepreneurs, small and midsize businesses design their website in such a way, so that, it stands out from their competitors’ crowd.

7) To update new trendy designs –

The new style of designs for the website comes out every year, so, if you haven’t updated your website from the last 2-3 years with such designs then your site already comes under the outdated category. You can see people using 3 dimension images, animated videos,etc. on their website. This makes the site more interactive one. For e.g., for a coffee manufacturing company, the old trend was to show just some coffee beans and a cup. But now, they show you the short video of how you can make the coffee and also, the whole website can have the smoke floating on it. Such small changes appeals more audience to visit your website.

Bad website design


Are you still using, such designs on your website?
Then you need to redesign it NOW!

8) Your website lacks content marketing strategy –

Content makes your website more reliable. Implementing a content marketing strategy can help you to build trust among visitors and increase leads for your business. A website redesign makes it easier for your visitors to find out what they are looking for. Content can be a better pathway for the visitors and readers to surf through your website.

Related : Top 23 Content Marketing Statistics That Will Rule 2019

9) You need control on your website –

You need to have greater control over your website for managing and updating it, so as to deploy digital marketing campaign at a faster pace. Thus, redesigning will allow you to have more landing pages and load the website at a faster speed, which ultimately, helps you to see the results faster.

10) Optimize for search engines –

Once you decide to start with your digital marketing and want to adopt the paid marketing strategies then you need to be sure about its URLs and Alt Tags. So, you need to redesign your site in an SEO friendly way by utilizing custom page URLs, H1, H2, H3 tags, page titles, so as to make a website more flexible and accommodate easily to optimize content.

Related : Is Your Website Ready for SEO in 2019? Check the Trends that will Matter

Do you really need to redesign?

A piece of good advice would be to redesign it, if, you haven’t from last 2-3 years. This makes your website more fresh and user-friendly which ultimately drives traffic and generates leads for you.

The Author

With an interest in doing something creative daily, Sonam works as a Digital Marketing Executive. She likes to write technical blogs related to web hosting, digital marketing, and other IT topics. She also likes to spend her leisure time on social media.

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