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5 Ways Artificial Intelligence is Improving the Web Hosting Industry

AI and Web Hosting

When asked about, what is Artificial Intelligence? We hear an answer it’s a ‘Sofia’ – a humanoid robot. Can you believe this robot is able to display more than 50 human expressions? Sophia is a first robot who has received a citizenship of a country and is a first non-human who has got a title of ‘United Nations Development Programme’s first ever innovation Champion’.

Now, you may think what Artificial Intelligence (AI) means?

-> AI means creating some intelligent machines that behave like a human.

Did you know?

Actually, you are using Artificial Intelligence in your daily life.

We will see some such examples:

(1) Smartphones:

Are you reading this article on your smartphone? If yes, that means you are already knowingly or unknowingly interacting with the AI. You use smart assistance like Siri, Alexa or Google assistant which are based on AI. Have you ever thought how your mobile phone captures such stunning portrait pictures with a single lens? Well, it’s Artificial Intelligence.

(2) Cars:

Cars these days are at least semi-automatic and soon they will be fully automatic by the implementation of AI in it. Driver-less cars and flying drones are also great inventions on AI.

(3) Social Media Feeds:

If you say, that you haven’t handled or had a drive of full-automatic cars yet, then how about handling social media, that you use daily. Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram or other social media platforms are using AI to deliver you feeds like notifications which are created using AI.

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(4) Video Games:

Video games are one of the earliest inventions of AI. When you play games like Counter-Strike or PUBG, you use a couple of AI-powered robots.

(5) Online Ads and Travel, Navigation:

When you display advertisements on online platforms then these platforms use AI to track your usage statistics. Also, while traveling to unknown places, you may use Google maps to reach your destination. AI tells all the routes across the globe to your Google Maps.

Never knew we are already half occupied by AI, isn’t it?

As we have seen the usage of AI is making our lives easy, similarly, it is also improving the web hosting industry.

The capability of AI enables it to find out the potential malwares or threats and makes you aware of the same.

Many top companies are now using Artificial Intelligence to help their clients get the best of the services.

Let’s see 5 ways how AI is improving web hosting industry:

1) Improving Security:

With the unknown malware getting generated daily, the website owners are becoming more cautious about their online business. Even, cyber-criminals are trying all their ways to crack the algorithm just to gain access to the victims’ network.

Artificial Intelligence is an important tool that is helping web hosting companies to respond quickly against the threats. By using advanced Firewall technology, they are able to identify the encrypted patterns and threats these patterns can cause. So, as soon as such bugs are identified, AI alerts the company and customer about it before any major harm. AI also helps you with some of the time-consuming jobs like analyzing and processing data that too with more accuracy.

2) Improving Domain Performance:

AI understands the pattern in which the data is getting coded and decoded. It analyses them and adds new patterns to them. AI can forecast about how well the domain names and individual URLs can perform. Hence, companies can use AI to research such domain names and URLs which can give them high traffic and conversion rates. This increases the productivity and ROI of the web host customers.

3) Improving Accuracy:

Using AI makes the tedious tasks simple and does it with maximum accuracy. For the smooth functioning of websites with heavy traffic and unexpected fluctuations, AI is used which assures you that the site performance will not get hampered. You can also train AI to perform real-time actions such as giving the chat responses, sending automatic messages, delivering telephonic messages or calls, etc. This will help to minimize the less priority human work so that they focus on their important work.

4) Data-driven reports:

All the higher authorities of the company, customers and clients should get a report generated by using appropriate data. The numbers and figures should be used in such a way that they make well-guided reports. AI reports can match the past and present data and accordingly explain the changes occurred. For e.g., If the total revenue of the company in 2017 was 60 crores and it has grown to 90 crores in the year 2018, then AI generated report should include the factors behind this growth. It also shows us to identify our brand’s loyal customers, according to their purchase rate, recurring rate and the cost of purchasing products, which helps in building a good relationship with them.


5) Self-updating and improving systems:

In the digital field, it is very important to keep your website and other digital data updated so as to advertise to your audience. This increases your constant maintenance work, ensuring that all the online accounts need to function in a favorable way. Using AI into such web hosting systems can decrease the work of repairing and maintenance as the systems get updated themselves. The updated system allow smooth workflow to all the digital platform users.

Still, Artificial Intelligence has not able to cope up the human level but it is growing rapidly in the hosting business.

Summing Up:

The artificial intelligence can show great improvement in the security from hackers and malware, reducing the human efforts and taking some proactive steps in hosting industry. Thus, in order to improve the performance, you can think of optimizing AI in your business.

The Author

With an interest in doing something creative daily, Sonam works as a Digital Marketing Executive. She likes to write technical blogs related to web hosting, digital marketing, and other IT topics. She also likes to spend her leisure time on social media.

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