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7 Contemporary SEO Strategies Worth Giving A Try!

SEO, contemporary SEO, Google

The search engines, especially Google continuously updates the way of tracking and indexing web pages. I am sure everyone might be aware that the traditional SEO methods are no longer going to work. As a result of this newly acquired smartness of the web spiders and search engines, many people take the wrong route and overdo the SEO.

This article highlights some great and effective SEO strategies that will surely work for you in 2014 and in the coming years:

Strategy 1 : The Quality & Length Of Your Content Is Extremely Crucial

Content quality should be at the top of the list for the bloggers who are new in the online world. Best quality and informative content automatically makes people interested and it also invites authoritative backlinks from the big websites. You must note that getting backlinks and social shares is all you need to secure a prominent place in the search engine results.

Over the last 12 months, Google is also giving more importance to authoritativeness of the content in terms of length and the caliber of content for ranking the websites in the search results. If you have a look at the web pages displayed on the first page of Google search for the popular keywords, you will see that most of them have extremely important information that you can relate to and they are of 1000 or more words.

Basically, you must focus on writing insightful, detailed and high-quality content.

Strategy 2 : Write For Humans, Not For The Search Engines

You must keep in mind that the humans are your audience, not the search engines. If the humans like what you write then the search engines will also favor your content. Many beginners make the mistake of over optimizing the content for the search engines. If you are doing anything like this, stop right away and revive your SEO plan! Over optimizing the content is not going to get you anywhere! The search engine bots are smart enough to differentiate between normally written content and keyword-stuffed content. If you think that you can trick Google or the other search engines, then you might run the risk of your website getting penalized.

While writing the content, think about how your article is going to help the real people. After all, your motive is to get returning visitors, you want your visitors to be active on your website and comment on your posts and you also want your posts to be shared on the social media websites. In order to fulfill all this, your goal should be writing for benefitting the people!

Strategy 3 : Link To The Related Pages That Are Great

When you write a brilliant post, you can alleviate it to the next level by linking it to the other great posts on the other websites. Linking to the high-authority websites will make Google and the other search engines think that you are somehow related to those websites. This works great in ranking your content at a higher position in the search engines.

Moreover, by doing this, you can easily attract the attention of the popular bloggers and websites by highlighting some of their articles that you liked. However, make sure that the posts that you highlight are related to the topic you are writing on.

Strategy 4 : Select The Less-Competitive Topics

In the beginning, make sure that you are selecting the writing topics wisely. If the topic of your first post has a lot of competition, then there are less possibilities of getting outright success with that post.

Select specific topics! Select a topic that you know a lot about and you have the authority to write on. For instance, if you know a lot about the Android OS, then you can write a post discussing the advancements in Android.


Strategy 5 : Know Your Infrastructure

It is extremely important to ensure that your website is not resolving through a blacklisted IP or web host. Along with this, it is also equally important that your website should have a user-friendly design. All the pages of your website should be accessible easily. Make use of the ‘robots.txt’ tag along with the modern HTML tags like ‘rel=”nofollow’ or ‘rel=”noindex’ smartly. It is time to go beyond the conventional SEO for ensuring traffic growth.

The most crucial step – Create a sitemap of your website and submit it to the Google Webmaster Tools. The search engines will love you for making their work easier.

Strategy 6 : Place Fresh And Relevant Content On The Same Page

Fresh content is vital for success for every online blog out there! The search engines love to see lots of fresh and high-quality content on a single page. If you have a blog, make sure to put your best articles on the home page. In case you have a professional website, create a blog and start posting fresh content there. In case of a forum, link to the hot topics of the forum through the forum index.

Strategy 7 : Become A Reputed Author

A new factor introduced in the latest updates is about the author themselves. This works like a ranking system for the authors. It is important to use the rel=”author” tag for telling Google that you are the author of the article.

When you write great and informative content continuously, whether it is on your own website or on the other blogs that tell Google that you have authored the article, you slowly move towards establishing yourself as a reputed author. Therefore, irrespective of whether you write on Mashable, Technocrati or your own website, the most important factor that Google sees is that the content is written by you.

Also, by staying active on Google+ and by using your own profile picture that is present on many other websites, you will be able to gain recognition through Google.


The modern SEO is all about doing the right things, doing them smartly and holding the attention of the people! By implementing the modern SEO strategies mentioned here, you will be able to increase the overall incoming traffic to your website to a considerable extent.

Give them a try! They are not difficult to implement! 🙂

The Author

Neha Kahnna is a professional content writer associated with MilesWeb. She curates articles on web hosting, latest SEO trends and technology topics. Her insightful content captivates the reader’s attention and deliver a higher learning ROI.

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